Friday, March 27, 2015

Tallahassee. And Wonderful Friends

Travel Day

  • Gulf Breeze to Panama City via SR 399. US 98. SR 30, SR 30A and various beach roads
  • Panama City to Tallahassee via SR 74 and I-10
We drove along the Gulf Coast of the Florida Panhandle today. The beaches were white and endless.

That is the Gulf of Mexico out there, beyond the white strand of beach which went on for miles and miles.

In between the beaches, bayous and bays entered into the inshore waterway.

Along the coast, condos and vacation villas were stacked side by side like crackers in a box.

Inland from the Gulf shore, the low slung pine forests of central Florida took control of the landscape. There is logging here!

We spent a marvelous evening with Tom and Bonnie McCluskey, along with Bill and Dan, their sons, and Cia, Dan's finance.

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