Saturday, May 16, 2015

San Francisco... and Scarlett

Travel Day
  • Ukiah, CA to San Francisco, CA via US 101
Ukiah, CA is in the Sonoma Valley, which means it is right in the heart of California wine country. Napa is the next valley over, past those hilltops in the background. There are vineyards everywhere, and wine tasting stops all over the place. It's a wonder I made it to San Francisco at all!

But I did. There it is, the city by the bay. This shot is from Sausalito, across the bay from San Francisco. I remember coming here some 30 years ago, before Sausalito became trendy. Back then it was a hippy and artists community. Now it's all tourists and upscale homes.

The Golden Gate, taken from the viewpoint just before you go over the bridge.

Thanks to stop and go traffic on the bridge, I was able to take this shot. Perhaps that stop and go traffic was a result of others like me doing the same as I am doing. Oh well.

The traffic coming off the bridge onto Marina Blvd. was pretty busy too.

Yes, folks, that is Alcatraz out there. In all the times I have been here, I've never take the tour. Oddly enough, it just doesn't interest me that much.

I went to dinner with another ALS blogger, Sarah, along with her husband Rob and daughter Scarlett. We had great fun at dinner. Scarlett took some of the pictures too!

Scarlett took this picture. She was excited to see the cruise ship leaving the harbour.

She said to me that I should wear her headband. So I did, and Rob snapped this picture. She is a cute kid.

When I got back to my hotel,  I took this picture from the door to my room. Yes, that is the hallway. No, I don't have to go all that way to get an elevator. There is one just around the corner from my room. However the Front Desk of the hotel is at that far end of the building. So I do have to navigate the hallway at least once a day in order to go outside.

1 comment:

  1. Love the one of you and Scarlett with your tongues hanging out LOL. Cute kid.
